It’s the fun part of what we do! Surf lifesaving is a great activity for growing a child’s confidence, knowledge and skills in the beach environment.
By providing a Nippers program, Scarborough-Wombarra SLSC are ensuring that the next generation learns valuable life skills and knowledge which one day might save their life, or even perhaps the life of another.
Nippers at Scarborough Wombarra is typically held every 2nd Sunday throughout the surf club season.
The first session for the season starts with an annual preliminary skills. Many activities that will be completed by children as part of nippers will be conducted in the water. To ensure that all children have a suitable swimming ability to allow them to participate in these activities, SLSA has developed a Junior Preliminary Evaluation for each age group. Every junior member is required to participate in this evaluation prior to any water-based activities being undertaken.
Subsequent nipper events will see nippers taught a number of skills that will increase their confidence within the beach environment. Plenty of fun activities will be run, including, but not limited to, flags, beach sprints, ocean swims or wades, and board races.
The club does not currently run a point score competition.
The club does offer the opportunity for any member to go and represent the club at various surf lifesaving carnivals including, but not limited to, the Surf Lifesaving Illawarra Annual Branch Championships and the NSW Surf Lifesaving Annual Championships.
For any additional information about Nippers, please use the form on our Contact Page.
At Scarborough Wombarra Surf Lifesaving Club, we are excited to offer our Under 5s “Sand Play” program!
This program provides a wonderful opportunity for young children, who are not yet ready for Nippers, to be involved in a surf club in a fun, safe, and sun-smart environment. It’s a great way for little ones to enjoy the beach, stay active, and start building social connections.
For parents with older children in the Nippers program, “Sand Play” also offers a chance for their younger children to have fun and stay engaged while spending time at the beach.
Currently, the program is run by our dedicated and friendly SRC junior surf club members. We‘re always looking for parents to get involved and help run the program so that we can continue to use our SRC members for water safety activities during Nippers.
We kindly ask that one parent or guardian stay with their child at all times while participating in the “Sand Play” program.
The registration fee for the program is $15. To enrol, please download and complete the enrolment form and send it to our Club Registrar, Rob Parsonson, at ua.moc.cslswsobfsctd-94186a@rartsiger.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at ua.moc.cslswsobfsctd-3797e2@ofni. We look forward to seeing you at the beach!
The only uniform requirement at each nippers meeting is the club cap – club swimmers and Hi-Vis rashies or singlets are optional.
All Nippers are required to wear the club Cap and club Pink Hi-Vis long sleeve rashie or Pink Hi-Vis singlet whilst participating in nipper activities on the beach and in the water. Club branded swimmers are optional.
The Club Uniform Shop will be open on Registration Days and also at the first Nippers meeting. If any uniforms are required during the season, please arrange in advance of Nipper meetings by contacting Helen Briddon at ua.moc.cslswsobfsctd-84a50c@smrofinu. Clothing is to be collected before Nippers commence in the surf club room.
Nippers is essentially run by parents, so it is important we all play our part in making Nippers a success. We welcome any parents who wish to become involved in the management side of our operations to register an interest with their age manager or speak with any member of our current committee.
We are always looking for parent volunteers for the BBQ and also Age groups and if you hold your bronze as water safety, to help make the nippers days run faster and smoother – please contact the club at any time if interested or come and speak to Doug Hamill on nipper days.
It is club policy for at least one parent/guardian to join our club with their children. As we are all volunteers, we need help from all families to run a successful program.
All new Nipper registrations to be initiated through the Surf Club. Please contact the Club Registrar, Rob Parsonson at ua.moc.cslswsobfsctd-63f8b2@rartsiger
There is a designated registration day before the first nipper’s meeting. New registrations can also be taken at the first Nipper’s meeting each year.
If joining a child/children for Junior Activities, it is club policy for at least one parent/guardian to join as well – please select family and not individual.
Please Note: All new members must show identification – birth certificate preferred.
If you and/or your child/ren have been a member of a SLS Club previously, please go to
Then initiate a transfer to Scarborough Wombarra SLSC and make the appropriate payment.
Online registration and payment can be made here:
Check your contact details (particularly your email addresses and phone numbers) are correct, renew your membership and make payment.
Need help: Go to Members Area User Guide: How to Create an Account
Nipper Children (5-14yrs) – $50
General (Nipper Parent/Guardian) – $50 (Club rule is that at least one parent/guardian must be a member)
Family Membership – $180 (2 adults & 2 children under 18) and $30 each child thereafter (cannot use Active Kids voucher on family memberships)
From January 2024, Active Kids vouchers are offered on a means-tested basis and have been reduced to $50 per school aged child. Any members who wishes to use an Active Kids voucher will need to join online and pay full fee then see the Registrar at the Club to lodge your Voucher for remimbursement.
To find out if you are eligible for Active Kids Vouchers please check the Services NSW website by CLICKING HERE.
Surf Carnivals involve both water and beach events with individual and team events. Not all children wish to compete in carnivals, however competition is encouraged as it builds surf skills. For the majority of children, participation is an enjoyable and rewarding experience. We encourage all Nippers (U9 and above) to represent our Club. We also take pride in our teams and enter as many teams as possible to represent MLSC. Remember good sportsmanship takes precedence over winning. Unsportsmanlike behaviour by Parents or Nippers will not be tolerated.
Illawarra major carnival dates for the 2024-25 season are as follows along with NSW state Age titles.
Branch Development Carnival – Saturday 7th December 2024 – Towradgi SLSC
Branch Championships – Saturday 8th (Junior) and Sunday 9th (Senior) February 2025 – North Wollongong SLSC
NSW Age State Championships – 7th-10th March 2025 – Queenscliff SLSC
For further Illawarra carnival information click here.
Every athlete must have a minimum qualification of either a Surf Rescue Certificate (Juniors) or a Bronze Medallion and must meet the patrol hour requirements according to their membership category to compete.
The current Scarborough-Wombarra SLSC Nippers calendar is shown below.
All sessions are held at the beach, except for the preliminary Proficiency session, which is held at Wombarra Pool.
Download the Scarborough Wombarra Nipper Activity booklet “Swim Between the Flags”, and have fun with the whole family.
27 Monash Street, Wombarra NSW 2515
PO Box 306, Thirroul NSW 2515
I acknowledge that the information I am providing in this form is for the proper management of Scarborough-Wombarra Surf Lifesaving Club Inc. (The Club) and for the administration of Surf Life Saving related activities in Australia. The information is collected in accordance with the SLSA Privacy Policy (available at The Club may share my information with SLS affiliates in accordance with its Privacy Policy and it may also be used to notify me of other events, news, and to offer the provision of services, including by third-party providers, to me. I understand that The Club’s Privacy Policy contains information about how I may access and request correction of my personal information held by The Club, or make a complaint about the handling of my personal information, and provides information about how a complaint will be dealt with by The Club. If the information is not provided, my application may be rejected or services may be unable to be provided to me. I acknowledge that if I do not wish to receive promotional material from SLS sponsors and third parties I may advise in writing or via the opt-out process provided in the relevant communication. Privacy complaints should be directed to The Club in the first instance or to Surf Life Saving Australia.