In the event of an emergency on the beach, phone “000” and ask for NSW Police

Selfless efforts from Peter Rafferty

This article originally appeared in the Illawarra Mercury, May 1st 2024

Scarborough Wombarra SLSC patrol member Peter Rafferty doesn’t have a lot of spare time between his duties on the beach and running his own voluntary swim classes. He loves doing both just the same.

The 73-year-old was recently awarded patrol member of the year at Scarborough Wombarra, but outside of the club, he teaches new Australians how to swim, the dangers of the surf, and understanding the importance of swimming between the flags.

The Thirroul resident is able to do this via his multiple qualifications including being an AustSwim qualified teacher and holding his advanced resuscitation certificate, as well as his work as a volunteer lifesaver. He teaches people how to swim at the beach, in home and rock pools, and in rivers and dams.

He said he felt what he was doing was crucial. ‘For you and me, we’ve been swimming since we’ve been a child, but for them, it’s totally innate, it’s foreign’ Mr Rafferty said. ‘At the moment I’m teaching this girl to swim and I can’t get her husband to get in the water. She&’s done four lessons, she can swim freestyle, but I can’t get him in the water.

‘He comes along and watches, that’s better than not doing it but she’s probably about 22 or something and she just loves it. Every moment of it she’s laughing and so happy to be in the water.’

Read the full article in the Illawarra Mercury –  Scarborough Wombarra SLSC Member Peter Rafferty Awarded

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