In the event of an emergency on the beach, phone “000” and ask for NSW Police


Membership Information

The first step to becoming a volunteer lifesaver at Scarborough Womnbarra Surf Life Saving Club is to obtain a Bronze Medallion (Cert II in Public Safety) Award. The course is available to anyone from 14 years of age (must be 15 years of age at time of the assessment). Training comprises of practical training on the beach and theory. 

Courses are normally run through Scarborough Wombarra Surf Lifesaving Club, and if unavailable we can direct you to other Illawarra clubs that may be running theses courses, to fulfil the requirements to patrol our beach.

Some of the practical sessions include:

Signals from the shore or from the water

  • Use of Rescue Tubes
  • Use of Rescue Boards
  • Spinal rescues
  • Surf swimming
  • CPR on the beach and on land
  • Combination of rescue scenarios demonstrating the use of tubes, boards and CPR

Once you have gained your Bronze Medallion you will be added to the patrol roster and expected to perform rostered volunteer beach patrols at Scarborough Wombarra throughout each season (approximately one 3.5 hour patrol per month on a Saturday or Sunday). You can then choose to complete other Branch and Club run courses that are on offer. If you are eager to compete at Surf Sports carnivals you can also start training with our water or beach squads and enter carnivals throughout the season.

To enable to you to partake in the training course you must become a financial club member.


All new memberships are to be organised through the club Registrar.
Please contact the registrar, Rob Parsonson – ua.moc.cslswsobfsctd-940545@rartsiger

If you are new to Scarborough Wombarra SLSC and are joining for the very first time (including new family members):

  1. Go to
    • I would like to join – “Surf Life Saving Club”
    • The Club I want to join – select “Scarborough Wombarra SLSC”
    • I want to join – choose “An individual” or “My family”
  2. Complete your personal details and enter the form.
  3. Make Payment. We cannot approve membership until payment has been received. Click Next at the bottom of this page to progress to payment page.
  4. As part of the joining process, you will be prompted to create a username and password for your Members Portal account (
    This is where you will go to manage your membership once it has been approved.

If you have already been members of the Scarborough Wombarra SLSC for the previous season and simply want to renew the membership for the coming season:

  1. Go to the Surf Life Saving Members Portal –
  2. Log in or create log in for existing member.
  3. Prompts to renew your membership will appear at the top of the home screen. If not, under Memberships, click on Renewals (for individual renewal) or Family (for family renewal) and follow prompts.
  4. Make online payment. We cannot approve membership until payment has been received.

Make sure your personal details are up-to-date. Update any changes to personal details (especially email &/or phone numbers) at Memberships > Update Personal Details

You can create a Family Group to allow easy family membership renewal. Under Memberships > Family search for each family member who are existing club members. Family groups can only be created with a paid adult member as primary contact within the group. A family cannot be created for junior members only. You will need to wait for the family group to be approved – allow a 24 hour turnaround.


If you wish to transfer from another club:

  1. Go to the Surf Life Saving Members Portal –
  2. Log in or create log in for existing member.
  3. Under Memberships, click on Renewals, Payments & Transfers (for individual renewal) and follow prompts for a transfer.
  4. You will need to know which club you are transferring from and to. If unknown, please contact the Scarborough Wombarra SLSC Registrar who can assist you.

You can find our comprehensive Nippers information here.

Create an Account

To create your account with Surf Lifesaving Australia, please download and read the PDF file – here.
Or watch the tutorial, below.

Beach & Surf Safety

Surf Safety

We all love a day at the beach, but the surf can be unpredictable. That’s why lifeguards and lifesavers use the red and yellow flags to show you the safe area to swim. Staying safe and making the most of the coast requires knowledge and skills. Check the Surf Safety resources available at the link below – they are designed to help people learn about the beach, the science of the surf and the creatures in our oceans.

BeachSafe App

“Beachsafe” is brought to you by Surf Life Saving Australia as part of their ongoing commitment to education and safety in the aquatic environment. The site includes current information and conditions for every beach in Australia. It shows patrol services, hazards and facilities as well as weather, swell and tide details. Beachsafe is designed to help people choose the right beach for their needs.

Rip Currents

Rips are one of the greatest and most common hazards on Australian beaches. Knowing what a rip is, how to spot one and how to avoid one is key to staying safe at the beach.

Rock Fishing

Rock fishing one of Australia’s most popular sports that can be enjoyed by everybody, but it can also be dangerous. A lot of incidents can be avoided by being properly prepared.

Marine Creatures

There are lots of amazing marine creatures that live in the ocean and on our beaches.
Click below to find out more about the marine creatures that lie in the ocean and on our beaches.

Our Multilingual Community

We acknowledge that many visitors come to our beach and that they come from many different ethnic backgrounds.
The video below presents Surf Life Savings top five tips for visiting an Australian beach.

The link below includes a series of multilingual versions of the same video.


The links below provide useful information and tools about Surf Life Saving and safety on and around the beach.

Recent News

Send us an email

I acknowledge that the information I am providing in this form is for the proper management of Scarborough-Wombarra Surf Lifesaving Club Inc. (The Club) and for the administration of Surf Life Saving related activities in Australia. The information is collected in accordance with the SLSA Privacy Policy (available at The Club may share my information with SLS affiliates in accordance with its Privacy Policy and it may also be used to notify me of other events, news, and to offer the provision of services, including by third-party providers, to me. I understand that The Club’s Privacy Policy contains information about how I may access and request correction of my personal information held by The Club, or make a complaint about the handling of my personal information, and provides information about how a complaint will be dealt with by The Club. If the information is not provided, my application may be rejected or services may be unable to be provided to me. I acknowledge that if I do not wish to receive promotional material from SLS sponsors and third parties I may advise in writing or via the opt-out process provided in the relevant communication. Privacy complaints should be directed to The Club in the first instance or to Surf Life Saving Australia.