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Patrol iron-person relay 2025

What an amazing afternoon!

Scarborough-Wombarra’s 3rd installment of the patrol iron person relay was held on Sunday 9th February.

Local patrol teams were competing against each other for the “Mighty Blue Marlin” trophy. Clubs from around Australia donated their caps so that our teams could represent them.

It was so much fun! Competitive spirit was high and it was great to see the club coming together as a whole on the day. The “twilight nippers” that was held just before the relay, ensured that families and friends were present and involved.

We extend a massive shout out to Garie Surf Lifesaving Club for having your two teams compete on the day. With there being no access to your club for the last few years the iron-person relay helped keep your members active – and made the event even better than in past years.

Scarborough Wombarra is a great club and a great community. We thank not just the families from local suburbs who are members, but all the families who are part of our club that come from the Shire and beyond. We can’t underestimate how important you are to our club and future of surf-lifesaving in Australia.

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